About Us
Our Beliefs
We believe there is one living and true God who is eternal, holy, all powerful, all knowing, and ever present. God is the maker and preserver of all things--both what is seen and what is not see. In the unity of the Godhead, there are three persons in one--the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe Jesus was born of a virgin. Jesus Christ is both fully God and fully human. Jesus is the very Wrod of God and the savioe of all humankind who came to earth to live, to teach us how to love, and to restore us to God. Jesus willingly endured the suffering, shame, and death on the cross in order to pay the debt for humanity's sin. He then rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. Jesus is acknowledged as the way to salvation.
Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the third person in the Trinity. The Spirit is at work in the world and the lives of individuals. It transforms, empowers, and guides believers. Through the Holy Spirit, we experience the fruit of the spirit and spiritual gifts.
We believe that Jesus physically rose from the dead, walked the earth, ascended to heaven, and will come again to judge all humanity and establish his reign over the earth.
We believe the mission of the Christian life is summed up in the two great comandments of loving God and loving ourneighbors. Scripture informs us that this is lived out as we love mercy, seek justice, walk humbly with God and "Go and make disciples of all nations."
Doctrine of Grace
We believe grace is the unearned and undeserved favor of God extended toward all humanity. United Methodists believe in three forms of grace:
- Prevenient grace that is at work in our lives drawing us to God prior to salvation.
- Justifying grace that brings us into right relationship with God through faith in Christ.
- Sanctifying grace that continues to work in us to transform us into the image of Christ.
The Bible
The Bible is the inspired word of God and is the primary source for Christian doctrine. It contains all things needed for salvation and living a life unto God. The Bible is foundational for our beliefs, but United Methodists also look to the traditions of the Church, reason, and experience to help inform our faith and help intrpret scripture.
Our History
A deed dated January 17, 1833, conveyed one-quarter of an acre of land on the corner of East First Street and North Salisbury Street to the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church. An additional quarter of an acre adjoining the original property was deeded to the trustees four years later. This acreage formed the site of the first structure of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Lexington. The original house of worship was destroyed by fire in 1886. Today, St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church is located at the site of the first church.
Twelve years prior to the 1886 fire, the congregation had built a new structure on land located in the third block of South Main Street. The Methodist congregation worshipped in this sanctuary from 1874 until August of 1902, when fire struck again and destroyed the building.
On April 6, 1903, the cornerstone of a new church, by then First Methodist Episcopal Church South, was laid on the same site on South Main Street. In 1919, a lot adjoining the church property and facing South State Street was purchased. This property was originally used as a playground and years later converted to a parking lot. In 1924 and again in 1933, additional Sunday School rooms were added. On July 7, 1940, First Methodist Episcopal Church South and State Street Methodist Protestant Church merged, forming First Methodist Church. The building that housed State Street Methodist Protestant Church stood at the corner of South State Street and West Second Avenue until 2006.
The present edifice of modified Georgian colonial architecture is located in the fourth block of South Main Street. Construction began on January 6, 1954, and on May 15, 1955, the first service of worship was held in the new sanctuary. In 1968, The Methodist Church merged with The Evangelical United Brethren to form The United Methodist Church. Our congregation became First United Methodist Church.
Adjoining property has been purchased through the years for Scout activities, a youth center, and additional parking. A columbarium was dedicated in 1998. The dedication of the new elevator and renovated building was held September 19, 2004.
Meet Our Pastors and Staff

Rev. Cheryl Skinner, Co-Pastor

Rev. Kirk Tutterow, Co-Pastor

Rev. Amy Higgins, Assistant Pastor of Next Generations Ministries
Lee Mabe, Director of Music & Youth Ministries

Donna Huskins, Administrative Assistant

Phyllis Jones, Organist

Kelly Leonard, Nursery Staff

Alma Carlton, Financial Secretary

Kimberly Leonard, Nursery Staff

Jill Michener, Nursery Staff
Administrative Teams
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees – Chair: Olen Easter - chair elected annually by Board of Trustees
2024: Olen Easter, Kathy Oliver, Libby Samuels
2025: Steve Smith, Pat Langley, Larry Swing
2026: Glynda Smith, Bob Burchette, Bill Distler
Ex-offico: Kirk Tutterow, Pastor (non-voting) – Alma Carlton, Financial Secretary (non-voting)
About: The Board of Trustees serves First UMC by maintaining and improving the building, furnishing, equipment, & grounds; managing bequests and gifts to the church; and overseeing legal responsiblities of the church.
Endowment Trust Fund Team
Endowment Trust Fund Team – Chair: Richard Foust - elected by the Endowment Team from its members
Trustee Representative: Olen Easter - elected annually by Board of Trustees
Church Council Rep: Lauren Hall - elected annually by Church Council
Finance Comm. Rep: John McWhorter – elected annually by Finance Team
Senior (co-) Pastor: Kirk Tutterow
The following are nominated by Nominations Team and approved by Charge Conference to three-year terms.
Investment Advisor (non-voting): Steve Jackson
Financial Secretary (non-voting): Alma Carlton
Accountant: Jennifer Everhart, 2024
Legal Advisor: Richard Foust, 2024
Past Finance Chair: Monty Oliver, 2024
At-large member: Betty Pope, 2024
About: The Endowment Trust Fund Team serves First UMC by overseeing the investment and use of the church's endowment trust funds & providing for an ongoing planned giving program for the funds.
Finance Team
Finance Team – Chair: Horace Conner, 2024
2024: Horace Conner, Paul Crago, Mike Niver
2025: T.J. Strickland, Mike Hall
2026: Jennifer Everhart, Monty Oliver
Ex-officio: Kirk Tutterow, Pastor – Barbara McWhorter, Lay Leader – John McWhorter, Lay Delegate – TBD, Trustee Rep. –Betty Pope, Stewardship Chair – Steve Jackson, Church Council Chair – Wendy Norris, SPR Chair - Alma Carlton, Financial Secretary (non-voting)
About: The Finance Team serves First UMC by planning for and managing the church's finances to support the church's mission and ministry.
Nominations Team
Nominations Team – Chairs: Cheryl Skinner & Kirk Tutterow
2024: Ramona Phelps, Jill Hayes
2025: Maywood Wilkerson, Lynne Leonard
2026: Clark Smith, Ann Easter, Kathy Hester
Ex-officio: Barbara McWhorter, Lay Leader
About: The Nominations Team serves First UMC by prayerfully discerning the nominees who are selected to serve as Administrative and Ministry Team members.
Parsonage Team
Parsonage Team – Chair: Donna Smith
2024: Helen Morris, Larry Swing
2025: Varner Sink, Jill Hayes
2026: Judy Stoner, Linda Saintsing, Donna Smith
Ex-officio: Cheryl Skinner & Kirk Tutterow, Co-Pastors
About: The Parsonage Team serves First UMC by providing the minister(s) & family with a comfortable, safe living space.
Scholarship Team
Scholarship Team – Chair: Jane Hedrick
2024: Jane Hedrick
2025: Wendy Norris
2026: Donna Long
Ex-officio: Cheryl Skinner & Kirk Tutterow, Co-Pastors – Lauren Hall, Church Council Vice-Chair – TBD, Trustee Rep. – Barbara McWhorter, Lay Leader – Jenny Varner, Children’s Council Chair – Alma Carlton, Financial Secretary (non-voting)
About: The Scholarship Team serves First UMC by managing the scholarship application and distribution process.
Staff Parish Relations Team
Staff Parish Relations Team – Chair: Wendy Norris, 2024
2024: Ron Leonard, William Deal, Bill Distler
2025: Ramona Phelps, Becky Greening
2026: Nancy Conrad, Lloyd Brown, Wendy Norris
Ex-officio: Cheryl Skinner & Kirk Tutterow, Co-Pastors – John McWhorter, Lay Delegate to Annual Conference
About: The Staff Parish Relations Team serves First UMC by assessing the church's current staffing needs and provide supervision, guidance, and support for the church staff.
Stewardship Team
Stewardship Team – Chair: Betty Pope
2024: Karen Coleman
2025: John McWhorter
2026: Betty Pope
Ex-officio: Kirk Tutterow, Co-Pastor – Barbara McWhorter, Lay Leader – Horace Conner, Finance Chair – Lauren Hall, Church Council Vice-Chair – Alma Carlton, Financial Secretary (non-voting)
About: The Stewardship Team serves First UMC by educating church members about stewardship & generosity, planning giving campaigns, and raising funds for church ministries.
Ministry Teams
Archives & History Team
Archives & History Team – Chair: Terri Beck – Ex-officio: Kirk Tutterow
Xander Bostick, Betsy Cook, Ginnie Easter, Peggy Everhart, Max Lanning, Curtis Leonard, Kim Miller, Adrian Neal
About: The Archives & History Team serves First UMC by recording events & archiving records, maintaining historic archives, and planning for future archives.
Children's Council
Children’s Council – Chair: Jenny Varner
2024: Jenny Varner, Frances Sink, Melinda Miller
2025: Woody Smith, Christie Strickland, Martha Williams
2026: Donna Long, Katherine Parsons
Ex-officio: TBD, Children’s Ministry Coordinator
About: The Children's Council serves First UMC by developing and planning ministries that form and nurture the faith of our children birth through fifith grade.
Evangelism & Hospitality Team
Evangelism & Hospitality Team – Chair: TBD
2024: G. F. Smith, Martha Williams
2025: Kathy Hester, Louise Van Hyning
Ex-officio: Kirk Tutterow, Pastor – Barbara McWhorter, Lay Leader – TBD, Membership Secretary
About: The Evangelism & Hospitality Team serves First UMC by connecting the church with our neighbors (non-churched) & community as well as providing hospitality for our worship & ministry event guests.
Mayme Weaver Preaching Mission Team
Mayme Weaver Preaching Mission Team – Chair: TBD
2024: Larry Swing, DeLee Mabe
2025: Betsy Buchanan
2026: TBD
Ex-Officio: Cheryl Skinner & Kirk Tutterow, Co-Pastors – Lauren Hall, Church Council Vice-Chair – TBD, Trustee Rep. – John McWhorter, Lay Delegate
About: The Mayme Weaver Preaching Mission Team serves First UMC by organizing and promoting Mayme Weaver Preaching Mission, a two day event (Sunday & Monday) held in September or October with a guest minister and guest musicians. "Our Gift to the Community!"
Member Care Team
Member Care Team: Chair: Helen Fitzgerald
2024: Helen Fitzgerald, G.F. Smith, Karen Coleman
2025: Ellen Crago, Cheri Murray, Judy Hench
2026: Minnie McPherson, Helen Morris, Tom Foust
Ex-officio: Cheryl Skinner, Co-Pastor – Bereavement: Peggy Everhart
About: The Member Care Team serves First UMC by developing and implementing minitries that care for our member's physical, spiritual, and emotional needs.
Missions Team
Missions Team – Chair: Christa Weeks
2024: Christa Weeks, Rebecca McNeilage
2025: Clark Smith, Nancy Cagle
2026: Judy Deal
Ex-officio: Cheryl Skinner, Co-Pastor – William Deal, Disaster Coordinator
About: The Missions Team serves First UMC by supporting on-going mission ministries and providing opportunities for service in the community and world.
Worship & Music Team
Worship & Music Team – Chair: Wayne Michael
2024: Wayne Michael, Cheri Murray
2025: Kathy Oliver, Helen Morris
2026: Nancy Roach, Abby Smith
Co-Pastors: Cheryl Skinner, Kirk Tutterow
Director of Music: Lee Mabe
Organist: Phyllis Jones
Sound Team: Ron Leonard
Video Team: John McWhorter
Altar Guild: Karen Coleman, Geryl Myers
Head Ushers: Richard Foust, Woody Smith
Children’s Ministry: TBD Youth Ministry: Lee Mabe
About: The Worship & Music Team serves First UMC by working with the pastor(s) and staff to plan for meaningful worship.
Youth Council
Youth Council: Lee Mabe, Amanda Bostick, Emy Garrett, Christie & T.J. Strickland, Jane & Bradley Hedrick
About: The Youth Council serves First UMC by developing and planning ministries that form and nurture the faith of our youth (Middle School & High School) and college students.
Church Council
About: The Church Council serves First UMC by providing for, overseeing, and evaluating the nurture, outreach, mission and resource minitries of the church as well as aiding in the communication and collaboration of those ministries.
- Chairperson: Steve Jackson, 2024
- Vice-Chair: Lauren Hall, 2024
- Recording Secretary: Barbara McWhorter, 2024
- Lay Leader: Barbara McWhorter, 2024
- Lay Delegate/Annual Conference:
- John McWhorter, 2025 & Susie Hubbard, 2025
- Co-Pastors: Cheryl Skinner & Kirk Tutterow
- Children’s Ministry Coordinator: TBD
- Director of Music & Youth Ministry: Lee Mabe
- Membership Secretary: TBD
- President UMM: Richard Foust (elected annually)
- President UWF: Marsha Garwood (elected annually)
- Boy Scout Council: Mark Hinkle, David Stott
- Honorary Members: Jo Doris Beck, Bettye Gray, Adrian Neal
Administrative Teams:
- Board of Trustees Chair: Olen Easter (elected annually)
- Endowment Trust Chair: Richard Foust (elected annually)
- Finance Chair: Horace Conner, 2024
- Parsonage Chair: Donna Smith, 2024
- SPR Chair: Wendy Norris, 2024
- Stewardship Chair: Betty Pope, 2024
- Scholarship Chair: Jane Hedrick, 2024
Ministry Teams:
- Archives & History Chair: Terri Beck
- Children’s Council: Jenny Varner, 2024
- Evangelism & Hospitality Chair: TBD
- Mayme Weaver Preaching Mission Chair: TBD
- Member Care Chair: Helen Fitzgerald, 2024
- Missions Chair: Christa Weeks, 2025
- Worship/Music Chair: Wayne Michael, 2024
- Youth Council: Lee Mabe, 2024
Exploring Membership
Joining our church family is a step in your faith journey that leads to many others! On that journey, each step deepens your relationship with Jesus Christ as you respond by sharing your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. The journey is an amazing experience of growing inwardly and serving outwardly, all the while surrounded by the incredibly loving community that is First United Methodist Church in Lexington.
Contact the pastors via email Pastor Cheryl or Pastor Kirk or by phone 336-248-2886 for information about joining the church.
Which way will I join and what will I say?
You will join by either:
Baptism and Profession of Faith
Since baptism is part of membership, if you have not been baptized, it is normally done within the context of a service of worship with the congregation making a profession to care for you. You will then respond to the United Methodist questions of faith asked by the pastor.
Reaffirmation of Faith
This is usually chosen as a renewal of faith after a period of inactivity or of not being on a church roll elsewhere for some time. The United Methodist Church believes that baptism is a one-time occurrence; therefore, we recognize baptisms from other faiths. You will not be re-baptized. You will then respond to the United Methodist questions of faith asked by the pastor.
Transfer from another United Methodist Church or Transfer from another denomination
This is chosen when you are a member of another church (United Methodist or otherwise). Your baptism is recognized. You will not be re-baptized. You will then respond to the United Methodist questions of faith asked by the pastor.
Questions of Faith asked at the time you join:
Do you renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of this world, and repent of your sin?
Your Response: I Do.
Do you accept the freedom and power God gives you to resist evil, injustice and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves?
Your Response: I Do.
Do you confess Jesus Christ as your Savior, put your whole trust in his grace, and promise to serve him as your Lord, in union with the church which Christ has opened to people of all ages, nations, and races?
Your Response: I Do.
As a member of Christ's universal church, will you be loyal to the United Methodist Church, and do all in your power to strengthen its ministries?
Your Response: I Will.
As a member of this congregation, will you faithfully participate in its ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service and your witness?
Your Response: I Will.