We are Alive in Christ
Children's Ministry
Child Care
Our church provides a safe, caring environment for young children ages birth through four years. Miss Kimberly, Miss Kelly, and Mrs. Jill are our Child Care staff members.
During the 8:45 am and the 11:00 am worship services:
- Crib Nursery – Birth through 2 years of age
- Toddler Room – 3 years through 4 years of age
- During the Sunday school hour, age-appropriate Biblical themed experiences are offered for infants through 4 years of age.
Child Care is also provided for church-wide events that occur throughout the year.
You may contact the church office (336) 248-2886 with questions or for more information.
Sunday School
Birth thru Age 2
Crib Nursery provided during the Sunday school hour.
Toddlers & Twos
Preschool Ages 3 & 4
Kindergarten thru 5th grade
Dedicated teachers provide learning experiences around Biblical themes through stories and scripture, hands-on art, music, and games offering each child a foundation of spiritual formation for their lives and learning what it is to be a child of God.
Godly Play is a Montessori-based spiritual formation curriculum designed specifically for churches. It’s hands-on approach is meant to fully engage children in the stories of the Bible and the church year. Each week the children will hear a different story, told with the use of beautifully crafted materials, and then be invited to explore the story through hands-on play, art work, and “I wonder” questions. After each story is told, the children are asked to “wonder” about it through a series of questions that begin with the words, “I wonder….” There are no wrong answers—the children are being asked to make meaning of what they have heard through open-ended questions that open up the scriptures and stories to their own lives and experience. After the wondering, the children are invited to find their “work”—either playing with a story, responding through art work, exploring a book, or some other activity available in the classroom. The classroom itself is set up in an inviting way, with open space for gathering and working, open shelves with stories and art materials, and colorful banners and artwork on the walls. At the end of their time together, the children gather back in their story circle for a “feast.” The children take turns helping serve the class, and time is taken to offer thanksgiving before a simple snack is shared. After clean-up, the children return to the circle for a blessing before being picked up at the door by a parent.
This rhythm of gathering, listening, responding, feasting, and blessing takes time, so the children will need to leave the church service a bit earlier than they have in the past—joining the Godly Play leader at the back of the church during the opening hymn. For this reason we will no longer have a “Children’s Time” during the worship service—instead, the children will hear their story in the Godly Play classroom, which has been designed specifically for this purpose. While seated in the story circle, they are surrounded by the stories of the Old and New Testaments, as well as the stories of the church—the sacraments and seasons. They will watch while the storyteller goes and picks out the story set for the day, describing both where the story is in the room as well as where it is in the scriptures. This immersive experience is meant to form our children in the faith, week-by-week, story-by-story. As the children grow, so do the stories they hear, adding more stories and more complexity as they age. We are focusing on Kindergarten thru Fifth Grade right now, but the plan is to expand the program to include preschoolers and older children as well.

Seasonal Activities and Events
- Lenten Fair
- Easter Celebration & Egg Hunt
- Vacation Bible School
- Promotion Sunday & Blessing of the Backpacks
- October BLOCK Party with Trunk or Treat
- Advent Fair
- Children’s Christmas Play
Youth Ministry
Middle and High School Youth
Youth ministry is a vital part of our church program and is designed to help youth find acceptance and support as they grow in their faith.
- Sunday School: 9:45am - 10:45am
- Sunday Afternoon Meetings: 5:00pm - 6:00pm
- Community Service Projects
- Fall Retreat
- Winter Retreat
- Youth Led Worship
- Summer Mission Trip

College Ministry
College Connection
Please remember our college students in your prayers.
- Byron Hoover—UNC-Greensboro
- Isabella Ellis—UNC-Greensboro
- Ally Turner—UNC-Charlotte
- Emma O'Connell—Wofford College
- Kinsey Calderone—Otterbein University
- Colin O'Connell—UNC-Wilmington
- Brooks Calderone—Methodist University
- Dominic Adinarain—Appalachian State
If you would like to make a personal contact with any of our college students, please contact Helen Fitzgerald (336) 250-4676 for their contact information.
Adult Ministry
Adult Sunday School
Faith & Friends
Who: 20's, 30's, & 40's
Location: 2nd Floor main hallway -- last classroom on the right
Time: 9:45a
Who: 50's, 60's, & 70's
Time: 9:45a Location: 2nd Floor main hallway -- take the stairs up the landing; classroom on the right
Spruill Koinonia Fellowship
Who: 70's, 80's, & 90's
Time: 9:30a Location: 1st Floor main hallway -- last classroom on the left
ZOOM information: Click & Go to join live Sunday school via ZOOM
Meeting ID: 830 5932 4533
Passcode: 694762About:
The couples and singles who make up this class are committed to deepening their faith through the weekly study of the Christian faith and life. While they share in teaching duties and welcome guest speakers, they openly and comfortably participate in discussions of the weekly scripture based lessons. They are generous in sharing their time, talents, and gifts for church, community, and individuals’ needs. Spruill Koinonia Fellowship seeks and openly welcomes those who would like to become a part of a close-knit, loving, caring group of struggling Christians.
Their weekly class offerings are primarily used to support many local care-giving organizations such as Meals on Wheels, Davidson Medical Ministries, Life Center, Pastor’s Pantry, Davidson County First Hope Ministries, the Salvation Army, the YMCA, Communities in Schools, etc.
The Spruill Koinonia Fellowship class continues to use ZOOM for their members who are unable to attend in-person. If you are unable to attend an adult Sunday school in-person and would like to attend, a member from the Spruill Koinonia Fellowship class would be glad to come to your home and set up your device (Iphone, Ipad, laptop, desktop) for ZOOM and teach you how to use it so that you can attend their class. You may contact the church office (336) 248-2886 or email dhuskins@firstumclex.org to make an appointment with a member of the Spruill Koinonia class.
Disciple Bible Study

For your convenience, studies are offered in the mornings and evenings.
Contact for more details or to join a class:
Rev Cheryl Skinner skinnerrev@gmail.com
Rev. Kirk Tutterow kingtutt65@gmail.com
Faith Seekers
2nd Thursday, (6:00p) at the home of a group member
Women’s small group gathering taking time for fellowship and personal spiritual growth.
Prayer Warrior Lunch
Tuesdays (12p at the B-B-Q Center)
We share in a time of fellowship over lunch together. Following lunch we read aloud and update the names of church members, family, and friends, sharing concerns from the community, the country, and the world from the Prayer Warrior prayer list. We lift up prayer and a scripture prayer or devotion. Each person draws a name from those attending so that we may pray for one another during the week.
United Methodist Men
United Methodist Men (UMM) is a United Methodist Church men’s organization meeting on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 8:30a for a breakfast meeting in the Fellowship Hall. This affords a time of breaking bread and fellowship. Regular monthly cost is $5 for a full, hot breakfast when you eat. There are no other costs. Following breakfast, there is usually a short program presentation. Meetings usually conclude about 9:30a.
Fundraising & Missions
UMM conducts two Port-A-Pit BBQ Chicken fundraising projects each year to provide about $6,000 a year for outreach; most is donated within Davidson County. The agencies we have helped include Meals on Wheels, Davidson Medical Ministries, Davidson County First Hope Ministries, Davidson Prison Ministry, Davidson Cancer Services, Communities In Schools, and Pack, Crew, and Troop 200 Boy Scouts. UMM have built handicapped access ramps for members and non-members.
UMM Officers
Richard Foust, President
Steve Jackson, Vice President
Mike Hall, Treasurer
Max Lanning, Program Director
Woody Smith, Port-A-Pit BBQ Chicken Fundraiser Chair
If you have any questions, you may contact Richard Foust.
United Women in Faith
We are United Methodist women doing ministry as United Women in Faith.
We are women with a PURPOSE! The organized unit of United Methodist Women (United Women in Faith) shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
Meeting February, April, June, August, October, and December on the 2nd Monday at 10:00a in the Spruill Koinonia Fellowship classroom.
2024 4th Qtr United Women in Faith newsletter
2024 3rd Qtr United Women in Faith newsletter
2024 2nd Qtr United Women in Faith newsletter
2024 1st Qtr United Women in Faith newsletter
Music Ministry
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir, under the direction of Lee Mabe, rehearses each Wednesday at 7:00p. The choir presents an anthem during the 11:00a Morning Worship. Music ranges from traditional classical anthems to compositions by contemporary composers to gospel and folk arrangements.
During Advent each year, the choir performs an extended program of carols accompanied by an orchestra on the 2nd Sunday of Advent during the 11:00a Morning Worship.
Anyone interested in singing in the choir may contact Lee Mabe or come join us at a Wednesday night rehearsal.
Chancel Bells
The Chancel Bell Choir rehearses January through April each Wednesday at 6:00p as they prepare music selections for Easter.
Rehearsals begin in October through December each Wednesday at 6:00p in preparation for Advent
The bell choir plays music selections from traditional to contemporary with a five-octave set of Schulmerich hand bells.
The ALIVE! Praise Band
The ALIVE! Praise Band is a group of volunteer musicians and singers. They lead joyful worship on the 2nd and 4th Sunday during 8:45a Early Worship. On Monday evenings, they serve as the praise band for Open Hands Ministry.