Therefore, I say to you, don’t worry about your life… Look at the birds in the sky...your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth much more than they are? Matthew 6:25-26 CEB

A Sparrow Project Story submitted by Judy Hench - April, 2022
The Sparrow Project is a blessing to our FUMC family. I have been fortunate to learn firsthand how we can get help when we need it. I needed a safer way to get to my backyard from my sunroom. My steps needed a handrail so I could use them without fear of falling. Thanks to Lauren Hall and her husband-volunteer, Mike Hall, that problem was solved for me with a well-built rail that allows me to use those steps daily. Another project I needed help with was my yard. When trees were cut months earlier, bird feeders and birdhouses were left on the ground and pavers were moved. Also, lots of sticks scattered over my whole yard. Just needed things put back in order and a general yard cleanup since bending and picking up things off the ground are not easy for me. Lee Mabe brought his wonderful group of helpers over on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Our youth had stepped up and embraced volunteering for this project. I really hope those of you who need some help will contact Lauren Hall and let the Sparrow Project solve your problem. Also, I am sure she would appreciate more volunteers signing up. Again, the Sparrow Project is there for all of our FUMC family who are in need of some small assistance for those times when we just can’t do it on our own. Thank you once more to all of the wonderful volunteers who helped me.